As you may be aware our little ale house in Worksop has been voted CAMRA Best Winter Pub of the season.  Therefore on Thursday 15th March we will be receiving our Award.  This is very exciting for us as it was a gamble to open our first pub, however the people of Worksop and surrounding area have been so warm and welcoming.  In just 6 months to have won such a prestigious award is beyond all of our expectations and we would like to thank you all from the bottom of our heart.  Therefore on Thursday we will be having Sherwood Fired street food company who will be serving authentic pizzas from their van parked adjacent to our pub.  Its a no brainer really as there is nothing finer than a great award winning pint of Fuggle’s finest moped up with an authentic wood fired pizza.  If the street food van turns out to be a great success then we will be looking at making this a permanent addition to our Fuggle Bar every Thursday.  Therefore we hope you can hop in and join in our celebrations.