Our New FV Arrives

What a busy 12 months it has been at the Fuggle Factory, and after celebrating our first year in business we have received a First Place for our Chapter 7 – Russian Rare-Bit, 5% Imperial Black Stout at the CAMRA Steel City 40th Ruby Anniversary Beer and Cider Festival held at Kelham Island Museum in October 2014, won the Industry’s Top Award for Best Total Design Concept of 2015 at this years SIBA BeerX at IceSheffield in March 2015, then our new FV has arrived and is already fermenting our fuggalicious ales and producing more, and more fuggle juice to keep up with demand.  Therefore here’s looking forward to year 2 and seeing what adventures and chaos FUGGLE gets upto along the way….keep hoping onto our website to keep up with our latest news……Thank you once again to all our customers, friends and family for your continued support and kind wishes and to our special fuggaliers who frequent our Brewery at the Fuggletastic Friday Club…… long may you FUGGLE X