What’s in a Name

Many people keep asking the question ‘where did the name Fuggle Bunny come from’? – You will probably know that Sheffield has many established breweries and many have used the history of the City, past and present, or certain famous landmarks for their name.  Therefore it was hard to come up with something unique and original which no one else had chosen yet still in keeping with tradition.  This became a difficult task…..  finally I was enlightened by reading the story of  how Fuggle was discovered and the idea of using a Rabbit as the logo.  So here is my explanation of how Fuggle Bunny Brew House was created.  Firstly what exactly is a Fuggle? – It is in fact the name of a English hop used in beer production.  Its origins have many conflicting beginnings but this is the one that I favour most.  The story says that a seedling which was shaken out along with the crumbs of the hop pickers dinner basket used by Mrs Stace, of Horsmonden, Kent in 1861 lead to the casual seedling later appearing in the flower garden of Mr & Mrs G Stace.  The hop was then commercialised and introduced to the public in 1875 by Mr Richard Fuggle of Brenchley.   Secondly the word Rabbit comes from the meaning of rebirth, resurrection and new beginnings.  As this was a new venture for us we thought it was apt, therefore naming our first beer Chapter 1 – New Beginnings, and why we named Chapter 5 – Oh Crumbs in recognition of the seed which was thrown from the hop pickers basket with the dinner crumbs!.  We then decided that as in life we all pass through different Chapters with a beginning, middle and end, this lead to the idea of Chapters in a book, which also has a beginning, middle and end.  The theme continued with the pump clips which were designed to resemble bookmarks with the top right hand corner being the page turn for the next Chapter.  Then Fuggle Bunny became this cheeky fictional character who would go on a journey, and with each new beer chapter is a new adventure, this is written as a story on the pump clip which in turn informs the customer of the aroma, taste & ingredients in each of the beers….. last but not least we are proud of our Heritage and wanted to symbolise this with the words, Made in Britain with the use of the Union Jack image so we decided to add this to the page turn – the next question I am asked is……. ‘where will Fuggle end up’?…….and for that answer you need to keep following…….